"We are proud to say we now have 35 certified First Aiders ready to take control of medical emergencies." - Maissa Cortbaoui, Head of Resources
The British Council acknowledges its duty towards the safety of its customers and visitors.
We aim to achieve this by complying with the safety legislations and provisions in place in Qatar and, where reasonably practicable, by following UK standards, guidance and codes of good practice where these offer enhanced standards of health and safety.
Health and safety is everyone’s responsibility, and is a particular responsibility for all levels of management. The British Council expects everyone to be aware of their role in workplace safety.
We aim to ensure that all staff and those who work with the British Council foster an attitude of good practice and co-operation in order to achieve good standards of health and safety.
The British Council is committed to:
- achieving and maintaining good practice standards in our health and safety performance
- monitoring and reviewing the systems and procedures to ensure their suitability, adequacy and effectiveness
- ensuring all staff play their part in meeting the British Council’s health and safety standards
- enabling staff to comply with the British Council’s health and safety standards
- providing suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and facilities to ensure all staff are aware of, and equipped to carry out, their health and safety responsibilities competently
- ensuring that those contracted to the British Council are aware of, and satisfactorily discharge, their health and safety roles and responsibilities.
We will provide adequate and appropriate resources to implement this policy and will ensure it is communicated and understood.